What is the best mode of transportation from the airport?
The hotel is located 8 miles from Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM) and can be accessed by rental car, private car, taxi, Uber or Lyft. The typical fees range from $18 - $60 USD
Where is the best place for me to park?
The Valley Hotel offers on-site parking in the parking lot located on the East side of the hotel. Valet Parking is available for $15 per day and self-parking is available for $10 per day.
What is the primary location for Uber/Lyft/Taxi?
Our address is 2727 18th Street South, Homewood, Alabama
Is there an additional drop off location for Uber/Lyft?
Visitors can also be dropped off and picked up from the North side of the hotel, under the covered porte-cochere.